Escaping London for the Weekend

As much as I love London, sometimes there’s nothing better than getting out of the city for a few days! The weather this past weekend was truly incredible so it was certainly the best weekend to head to Kent and visit Leo’s parents.

Not only is it lovely to visit Kent and feel at home, there are cats! 😻 We aren’t allowed pets in our flat and to be honest, with our schedules it wouldn’t be fair to have pets, so getting to spend time with cats is the best. Rugi is always happy when Leo is home, as you can see!

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Whenever we’re in the area with some time to spare, I love visiting the seaside. Having the luxury of hopping in the car and driving half an hour to be at the beach is brilliant, and something you definitely don’t get to do in London. We have a few favourite spots but I asked Leo if we could visit Hastings this time as I’ve never been there.

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The pier in Hastings was ruined by fire in 2010 and they only reopened it last year, and while it’s not as busy as you’d expect most seaside piers to be, there is a lot of beauty in the simplicity of its design. It’s also fun to venture underneath it!   

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This building just behind the seafront towards the town centre really reminded me of Diagon Alley, or just the Harry Potter universe in general – don’t you agree?!

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Our main reason for being in Kent this weekend was that Leo and his mum were actually having a little exhibition in a local library, they exhibited paintings and photographs so on Saturday morning we went to put them all up and loads of people came to the opening to see it which was so nice!

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Afterwards we went to The Walled Nursery for lunch, where Spring is truly blooming! This is such a nice spot for lunch and a wander round, and when the sun is out it’s even better. 

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On Sunday we had more of a relaxing day, and after a lie-in ventured out to Sissinghurst Castle. We came here in February but now that more of the grounds were open and the weather was much nicer it was certainly worth going back! I’d definitely recommend it if you’re in the area, it’s a manageable size to wander round but still has so much on offer to see and explore.

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It’s a shame that lovely weekends like this always go so quickly, but I’m really glad we were able to get out of the city for a few days!

I hope you also had a lovely weekend and were able to enjoy the glorious sunshine! 😊

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